About Barry Davison

Contact Barry directly at 604-875-8711
[email protected]

Barry is a registered massage therapist and extended health coverage does apply.

Barry Davison is a veteran body-mind practitioner and teacher who supports clients in charting and achieving transformational goals of greater freedom from pain, better performance, and enhanced vitality. For more than two and a half decades, Barry has helped clients re-claim greater fullness of health and well-being.

Born in Vancouver in 1955, Barry grew up in Victoria, BC. In 1981 he graduated from The Canadian College of Massage, then completed training as a Rolfer in the next five years. He then deepened his Rolfing practice through further movement and advanced trainings with the Rolf Institute and The Guild of Structural Integration. In 1992 he embarked on a 10 year training with Bodynamics Denmark which incorporated the study of psychological function and shock trauma.

Barry has taught at a variety of institutions over two decades, including the institutions of: Canadian College of Natural Healing ,West Coast College of Massage ,the Rolf Institute, Bodynamics Canada, Nirvana School of Yoga , Pacifica Treatment Centre and Yoga Outreach. The subjects he taught included anatomy & physiology, massage, yoga, and other movement modalities.

As Barry is a registered massage therapist extended health coverage does apply.
